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Common Causes of Chemical Erosion

January 28, 2012

1. GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a chronic symptom of mucosal damage. It is caused by stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) coming up from the stomach into the esophagus and eventually reaching the oral cavity.
2. Bulimia, an eating disorder, is characterized by binge eating and then purging (vomiting).
3. Carbonated beverag…e swishers show tooth wear on the facial (front) side of teeth. The fizz (carbonic acid) causes the demineralization of enamel to eventually form islands of the underlying tooth structure known as dentin. Colas are the most destructive, as well as 5 and 7 hour energy drinks (phosphoric acid) and Gatorade (high fructose sugar).
4. Citrus fruit suckers have front teeth that look like a screwdriver blade. The enamel erodes on both the front and back side of front teeth.
5. Citrus fruit mullers have more wear on back teeth than front teeth.

Please note: 25-50% of GERD patients may not have any symptoms other than dental. GERD is a precursor to Barrett’s esophagitis which can lead to esophageal cancer!! GC


Willpower Science – Did you make a New Year's resolution and are you keeping it?

January 15, 2012

Happy and Healthy New Year to all!!  Our resolutions are easy to make, but sometimes disolve by the beginning of March.  This link will help keep your 2012 goals on track with less stress.  Dr. Kelly McGonigal teaches at Stanford University School of Medicine and specializes in mind-body connection.  Good luck this year with keeping a healthy body.  GC

900 NW 13th Street, Suite 301, Boca Raton, FL 33486 USA
Dr. Gerard Cuomo Gerard Cuomo Microscope Enhanced Dentistry is passionate about dental service through their advanced technology to give their patients perfect smiles. (561) 391-6290 (561) 391-6299