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Dental Lab Work – do dentists or labs perform the final "fit checking" of your case?

March 18, 2012

I published the following information for dentists to review on YouTube, along with a short video.  Ultimately it is the dentist’s responsibilty to perform the final “fit checking” of your lab work prior to placing it permanently in your mouth. 

“Everyone knows that dentistry is not an “exact science.”  That being said, where do you draw the line regarding the fit of your lab work.  Do you simply trust that your lab is operating at 100% quality control?  Whose level of quality control?  I highly recommend that you at least purchase a stereo zoom microscope that can be mounted to a countertop in your office.  “Fit checking” all of your cases under a microcope after they come back from your lab, will give you the opportunity to send the case back for further adjustments.  You could be faced with making these adjustments directly in the mouth wasting your time, your money, as well as the patient’s time.  For years I’ve struggled with inconsistencies related to lab work during seating appointments.  I had to finally “grab the bull by the horns” and you can too.  Simply purchase a microscope and watch my video on fit checking.  I will be happy to give you the microscope information that you will need to make the right purchase.”  GC

The quality of my dental work  reached an un-imaginable high level of care once I stopped using dental loupes and switched to using a dental microscope.  I send all of my patients’ lab work to dental labs that also use microscopes.  Finally, I perform the final “fit checking” procedure and then place the lab work permanently in my patient’s mouth.  GC

Choosing the right dentist by asking the dental lab?

March 3, 2012

For years, I have accepted many dentists as patients for restorative treatment.   These dentists are seeking out the very best of quality dental care.  Here is a list of some common key points that they shared prior to selecting me as their dentist:

  1. The dentist must have many years experience in cosmetic and restorative dentistry

  2. The dentist must be meticulous in tooth preparation design

  3. The dentist must have persistent attention to detail

  4. The dentist must use a dental microscope

  5. The dentist’s lab must use a dental microscope

  6. The dentist must use a high quality (non-commercial) dental laboratory

Each dentist consulted a high quality dental laboratory and ask the lab owner for a referral as to who they thought presented them with the best dental work.  These dentists were also allowed to review my cases in the laboratory to help them make their final decision.  GC

900 NW 13th Street, Suite 301, Boca Raton, FL 33486 USA
Dr. Gerard Cuomo Gerard Cuomo Microscope Enhanced Dentistry is passionate about dental service through their advanced technology to give their patients perfect smiles. (561) 391-6290 (561) 391-6299